Hoops for All: Basketball Australia Launches New Workshops and Online Education for Inclusive Basketball

Basketball Australia is excited to announce the next phase of the Ability Hoops program with pilot locations across Australia identified for Term 1, 2025.

Ability Hoops launches the next phase of the program with pilot locations across Australia identified for Term 1, 2025. It is Basketball Australia's newest program designed to provide children aged 8-12 years with intellectual disabilities a safe and inclusive environment to learn and enjoy basketball.

This program has been developed through the Play Well Participation Grant Program, an Australian Sports Commission initiative supported by the Australian Government, which aims to innovate or expand existing programs that address barriers to participation and increase involvement in sport and physical activity.

Basketball Australia was thrilled to receive 28 Expressions of Interest from clubs and associations across Australia and is excited to confirm the following clubs and associations as pilot locations for the program:

  • Basketball ACT
  • Basketball SA
  • Launceston Basketball Association
  • Logan Basketball
  • Toowoomba Basketball Association
  • Frankston & District Basketball Association
  • Geelong United Basketball
  • McKinnon Basketball Association
  • Hills Raiders Basketball Association

To support the delivery of these pilots, as well as future Ability Hoops programs, Basketball Australia has developed an online inclusive coaching module for anyone involved in delivering the program. This can be accessed on our LMS via the following steps:

  1. Login or create an account for the Basketball Australia LMS. (Please note this is a different platform from any other BA LMS.)
  2. Locate and select ‘Training Library’ from the menu on the left-hand side.
  3. Select the ‘View Courses’ button under the category ‘Basketball Australia Coaching.’
  4. Locate the last course titled ‘BA – Ability Hoops Inclusive Coaching.’ Click the ‘Enrol’ icon to add this training to your account.
  5. To find the training in the future, it will appear in the ‘My Training’ section on the left-hand side menu.

In addition, Basketball Australia is coordinating a series of in-person inclusive coaching workshops across Australia. These will be hosted at successful pilot program locations and facilitated by Welcoming Clubs or Special Olympics.

Please note the following workshops are confirmed, with additional dates and locations to be provided. These workshops are open to anyone in the basketball community interested in leading an Ability Hoops program from Term 2, 2025, and/or learning more about inclusive coaching practices in sport. Attendance is free, and dinner will be provided.

  • Victoria: Wednesday, 29th January, 6-9pm @ Dreamstreet Lending Arena, 90 Bardia Avenue Seaford Vic 319. Registrations can be made here.

  • Victoria Workshop #2: TBC

  • Western Australia: Wednesday 12th February, 6-9pm @ Location TBC. Registrations can be made here.

  • South Australia: Thursday 13th February, 6-9pm @ 142 Rose Terrace, Wayville SA 5034. Registrations can be made here.

  • ACT: Monday 10th February, 6-9pm @ The Silver Room, Australian Institute of Sport. Registrations can be made here.

Registration for these workshops can be made here.

For any further information about the pilot programs, please contact the pilot centres directly.

For additional details about the program, feel free to contact:

Sarah Gersbach (Participation Programs Manager): sarah.gersbach@australia.basketball

Dominique Holland (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager): dominique.holland@australia.basketball

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