Milestone Moments for three Gliders

Shelley Matheson, Isabel Martin and Hannah Dodd notch career milestones.

Shelley Matheson (nee Chaplin) has added to her storied 23-year-long national team career resume, racking up her 250th game today against Japan at the Asian Oceania Championships in Bangkok.

Debuting with the Australian Gliders in 2001, the three-time Paralympic medallist was a mere 17-years-old when she first put on the green and gold.

“It just goes to show how long I’ve been playing this sport. I was so young when I first made the Gliders team, and now I’m playing with girls that are way younger than I was. In fact, some of my teammates today were not even born when I made my debut!

“I’m always honoured to represent Australia and it just makes me so proud to put on the green and gold and achieve this milestone.

“I’m very grateful to those who have come before me - Liesl Tesh was my biggest motivator, she encouraged me and always pushed me to seek out every opportunity to play.

Tokyo Paralympian Isabel Martin will also be joining Matheson in celebration as she will reach 50 games for the Gliders in tomorrow’s showdown against China.

“I’m still kind of new to the team but at the same time, I feel like have been here for ages. It’s a real honour to make 50 games and to be part of this group. I'm excited for the future and I feel like I’m just getting started.

“Shelley and I are both Victorian girls, and she was one of my idols when I just started out, so to be sharing the court with her while we both celebrate these career milestones is a real honour and not one that I thought I would ever reach.

Team Captain Hannah Dodd also notched 100 games for the Gliders at the World Championships in Dubai back in 2023.

After making the switch from equestrian to wheelchair basketball in 2015, Dodd made rapid progress and has since represented the Gliders at six major international events, including the Tokyo Paralympics.