COVID-19 - Updates to Aussie Hoops program

Update from Basketball Australia regarding the Term 3 Aussie Hoops Program.
As the current environment evolves, Basketball Australia continues to prioritise the health and safety of the basketball community. Further to recent communications, Basketball Australia recommends all Term Three Aussie Hoops programs be suspended until further notice. Basketball Australia will not be accepting or processing Term Three registrations or participant pack orders. As previously communicated, Basketball Australia is working within three key principles:
  • Observing government guidelines
  • Seeking advice of contemporary health and safety experts
  • Ensuring the safety of the basketball community.
Please note the following key points:
  1. Information is changing daily and sometimes multiple times in one day. As a result, we must all stay fluid and when additional information comes to hand, Basketball Australia will issue advice accordingly.
  2. As the national body, Basketball Australia makes recommendations to States & Territories based on the best possible expert medical information unique to our sport at the time. Any State or Territory or Local Association making a decision to suspend/cancel their competition/programs/events is a matter for each State/Territory/Association.
Basketball Australia supports the government in slowing this pandemic and reducing the peak to protect those most vulnerable in the community. As such, we will continue to provide advice as it evolves and continue to assess the risk of each of our competitions, programs and events accordingly. We thank you for your support and understanding in this rapidly changing environment.